Pathfinder Worldscape: Dejah Thoris (One-Shot Comic Book)

Written by Christopher Paul Carey
Art by Roberto Castro

When Dejah Thoris and Tars Tarkas investigate a mysterious gap in the memory of John Carter, Warlord of Barsoom, they find themselves hurled into the interdimensional demiplane of the Worldscape. Caught in a bloody conflict between the Council of Jungle Kings and a Technic League captain from Golarion, Dejah Thoris must use both her scientific knowledge and her keen-edged blade to survive the perils of the Worldscape. Dejah Thoris meets the world of Pathfinder in this epic crossover written by Pathfinder senior editor Christopher Paul Carey (Pathfinder Worldscape: Lord of the Jungle).

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Limited Edition Print Comic: Dynamite Entertainment
Digital Comic: Comixology | Kindle US | Kindle UK

Trademarks John Carter®, Dejah Thoris®, Tars Tarkas®, Barsoom®, Lord of the Jungle®, and Edgar Rice Burroughs® owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., and used by permission.